
蓝山帐篷成立于2017年,由一群户外爱好者创立,他们因市场上缺乏实惠、高品质的帐篷而感到沮丧。 他们热衷于探索伟大的户外活动,并希望创造一种产品,让其他人更容易做同样的事情。

团队花了几个月的时间研究和测试不同的材料和设计,最终想出了完美的解决方案:蓝山帐篷。 蓝山帐篷采用轻质、防水材料制成,具有独特、易于搭建的设计,迅速受到世界各地户外爱好者的青睐。

随着品牌的发展,其对可持续发展和社会责任的承诺也在不断增强。 蓝山帐篷开始从环保和有社会责任感的供应商那里采购材料,甚至启动了一项计划,将部分利润捐赠给致力于保护环境的组织。

如今,蓝山帐篷被誉为世界上最值得信赖和创新的户外装备品牌之一。 从背包客和徒步旅行者到露营者和登山者,蓝山帐篷是任何想要舒适而时尚地探索户外活动的人的首选。

Lanshan Tent was founded in 2017 by a group of outdoor enthusiasts who were frustrated with the lack of affordable, high-quality tents on the market. They were passionate about exploring the great outdoors and wanted to create a product that would make it easier for others to do the same.

The team spent months researching and testing different materials and designs, and finally came up with the perfect solution: the Lanshan Tent. Made from lightweight, waterproof materials and featuring a unique, easy-to-set-up design, the Lanshan Tent quickly became a hit among outdoor enthusiasts around the world.

As the brand grew, so did its commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. Lanshan Tent began sourcing materials from eco-friendly and socially responsible suppliers, and even started a program to donate a portion of their profits to organizations that work to protect the environment.

Today, Lanshan Tent is known as one of the most trusted and innovative outdoor gear brands in the world. From backpackers and hikers to campers and mountaineers, the Lanshan Tent is the go-to choice for anyone who wants to explore the great outdoors in comfort and style.